4235 Merchants Walk Drive, Marietta, GA 30068  |  +1-678-483-0900  |

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Posted by Blogitandscarpa on on 2nd Sep 2024

I thought this was a day to celebrate childbirth. Like, it’s the day of the year where, when women bang on about how painful childbirth is, for that day, men have to not roll their eyes and say they … read more
 UK Independence Day - Part 3 - THE RESULT!

UK Independence Day - Part 3 - THE RESULT!

Posted by Blogitandscarpa on on 21st Aug 2024

I’ve been away. In fact, I’ve been at The Queen's Pantry for a month. Read the blog about it. It’s brilliant (I have written it yet, but I'm optimistic). So what happened in the UK election of 4th … read more
​UK Independence Day 2024 Election Special Week 3

​UK Independence Day 2024 Election Special Week 3

Posted by Blogitandscarpa on on 4th Jul 2024

So it’s week 3, and to be honest, I’ve had enough already. If you want to know what’s going on, which liar told which lie, then head over to a news network, but be careful which news network you cho … read more