

Posted by Blog it and scarpa on on 2nd Jan 2023

To our wonderful customers,

Sam and the team at The Queens Pantry would like to wish you all a Happy New Year. 

We will remember 2022 as the year our beloved Queen Elizabeth II passed, and for ascension to the throne of King Charles III. It was a very emotional time for us and we would like to thank you, The Queens Pantry community, for your love and support through those difficult days and beyond. We are grateful that we had the opportunity to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee in June, before her passing in September, and we remember fondly the kindness extended to us from you, and the experiences we shared of her life, with each other, during that mourning period.

We would also like to extend our condolences to the personal loss of loved ones our customers have experienced over the last year. We hope the memories of those cherished people comfort you as time moves on.

We like to think that The Queens Pantry is more than just a shop. We are a community. You are not customers, you are friends. You are always welcome to drop by for tea, biscuits and a chat. In fact, we love it when you swing by for a cuppa and a gossip. It means we don't have to do any proper work.

So we look forward to welcoming you again in 2023, our 11th year of trading. We are excited for the upcoming year, especially with the Coronation of King Charles III in May, so watch out for offers and events around that time.

Our Blogit and Scarpa blogs continue to raise eyebrows and pulses. There is talk of a Queens Pantry Blog Calendar Book thing. We'll work on that during the year. If in the meantime, there is something you'd like our devilishly handsome blogger to write about, then please let us know.

We send our love, gratitude and thanks to you all for your custom in 2022. We would be nothing without you.

And we look forward to 2023 with hope and the opportunity to continue and improve our service to you.