4235 Merchants Walk Drive, Marietta, GA 30068  |  +1-678-483-0900  |

The Queen's Pantry customer service goal is simple
We are committed to providing our customers total satisfaction 
Every time.  Guaranteed!




Posted by Blog it and scarpa on on 22nd Dec 2022

You know when you’ve had a big night out. You wake up with the fear. You KNOW you did something terrible last night, the last thing you remember you were wrestling with a kebab on a nite club danceflo … read more
So Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding.......

So Bring Us Some Figgy Pudding.......

Posted by Blog it and scarpa on on 15th Dec 2022

If you’ve ever got through the first verse of We Wish You A Merry Christmas, and your enthusiasm is waning a bit, but you’re stood next to one of those Christmas people, you know the type, wears a w … read more


Posted by Blog it and scarpa on on 21st Nov 2022

Right, so Christmas is coming, and Christmas is brilliant, because you get presents. And Christmas is also brilliant because it is the law that you must eat everything and anything you can get your … read more